Proving how elderly I am becoming the nearer I get to thirty, I closed my eyes on the train this morning, and it felt like a ship. And all because I went on a bit of a bender on Sunday evening. Uggg. However, despite drinking too much and sleeping too little, I had a throughly good weekend. Went home to the 'ding on Friday, and had a very lovely dins courtesy of Monky, who psychoanalysed me and the world around us, most successfully. Went to the footie, watched the mighty ones go down in a most unmighty way to relegated Watford, but still felt warm in my heart. What a bonza season! Now I have to find some other weekend amusement until the football comes round again in August. Argggg. Then on Sunday evening Choc Chip and Schwesty joined me for a folk bender in Islington.
Started off with a barn dance (!) which although I stayed well away from, looked seriously quite fun. Then Man Eyken and band played.... as usual blimmin marvellous. Followed by some slightly odd (and definitely in no way German) people playing really not-very-German tunes, but dressed as Bavarians. Hmmm. Finally it was boogieing until the early hours to a Congalese band. It was at this juncture that, merried up on wine, I had to radically reassess my school girl crush on Man Eyken. Man Eyken was also boogieing, and as usual being lovely and friendly with all those around him. But particularly "friendly" with the big-haired, camp-as-you-like compere for the evening. Total GAYDAR failure on my part. But I guess that's what schoolgirl crushes are meant to be. Totally unrealistic!!
Eventually, with the world around me swaying, we got the night-bus back, and had an (only when you're drunk) loud, hysterical conversation about how we'd missed the gayness of Mr Van Eyken. I also proceeded to try to fall off my seat (whilst gesticulating wildly), only to be rescued by an embarrassed looking young black man, who promptly moved, lest all the gay-talk disturbed him from his music any further... it was finally decided by Choc Chip (after I started cursing my nearly-new and nearly-newly-rubbish mobile phone) that I have superhuman "breaking" skills. One look at a peice of technology, and it's bust. One girlie sigh in the direction of a handsome fellow, and he's a bender. Which is not to suggest that gay men are broken, but as Choc Chip helpfully summed it up "they are broken to the opposite sex". D'oh!
And yesterday. Well uck. Sickie sickie sickie sick sick. Sigh.