Monday, August 11, 2008

Papa Ding

It is finally happening. Papa Ding is booked in for his Bone Marrow Transplant, and the next few months are going to be a big ol' fight to conquer the dreaded lurgy. I know too much about the toll of this process to be filled with joy about it, but I also know that this is a potential life-saver, and could well give poor Papa Ding a few more years on this earth, which he surely deserves. And how amazing that a complete stranger should give him this chance. I don't know who they are, what they do, or even what part of the world they live in, but they (probably some ordinary Joe working 9 to 5) could well be saving a life, by donating a few days of their life, and a few stem cells that they don't need in any case. I just wish more people overcame their scaredyness, ignorance (or in some cases pure bad attitude), to sign up for the same thing. How many times in your own lifetime are you handed the opportunity to potentially, and directly, save a person's life? I think (and I thought this before Papa Ding was diagnosed) that I would feel immensely priviledged to be given that opportunity.... I can't do anything directly for Papa Ding, except be around, support, and keep all my fingers and toes crossed. This is going to be a tough time, but a necessary one.



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