Courtesy of my computer disconnecting itself from the internet, and it being inexplicably impossible to cut and paste stuff off blogger(???) you have thankfully been saved from one almighty tipsy whinge-a-thon. I'll condense it however for your pleasure:
- Gone to big "do". Looked pretty. Despaired because no one gave a shit.
- Evaluated various loved up couples who I sat with, and wondered how fawning, needyness, irrational fear of sirloin steaks, etc blah blah blah could be thought of as attractive qualities.
- Developed dog-in-the-manger envy problems over Easyjet Boy's skirt chasing. After a glass or two of wine, interrogated him in a not entirely sensible fashion. Concluded that this probably did not make me a more attractive prospect.
- Danced with TheCroydenMassive till my feet fell off. Thought about how much I'll miss him when he's left.
- Looked in the mirror (perhaps too many times) and contrary to usual, thought I looked hot. Wondered how only a man wearing yellow braces agreed with this.
- Sat in the too long taxi journey home feeling blue about pretty much everything and everyone. Mulled over the dream I had on Friday night, where I realised I was made of food and was rotting (sounds sort of funny, but actually wasn't).
You get the picture? Same old same old folks.