Put a Hat on It

It seems that January is the cruellest month (not April, Mr Eliot) as misfortune follows misfortune , and we can all feel rightly anxious about what the new year will bring. Choc Chip has taken a physical and emotional tumble, Monky stays gorgeous but lonesome, and Withnail has fallen off his bike and busted his leg... and I just, well, worry about things and continue to sing to myself at work and on the street. I only hope all my friends and family find this year exceeds their lowly expectations. But just in case you too are feeling unable to crack a smile today, Monky kindly supplied me with the above pic, of a Reading FC fashion victim. Step forward Stephen Hunt. I had to do some "media training" on Friday, which involved being interviewed on camera, and then watching myself back. I cannot tell you how terrible and ugly and wrong I looked. But I still looked better than this. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. What an unmitigated but loveable twat this man is.
the flat cap on its own is bad enough but with that hair?
yet despite this sartorial nightmares there is something about special stephen - sort of how you feel about a battered animal on the battersea dogs advert.
you going to the bolton game?
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