Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Helsinki or Bust

Blogging has taken second place to everything the last couple of weeks. A lot of work, tooooo much work, but finally there is light at the end of the tunnel. Have Friday off, then Cutthroat Cottage is opening its doors for a lil house-warming, then off on Monday to Helsinki to pick up some life-giving gunk.

I've always had a notion for going to Finland, though I've no idea what it has to offer. Maybe they're all like Kimi Raikkonen - strong, silent monotone types. No doubt all I'll get to see of it is the inside of a hotel room, and the inside of a hospital. But when it's all paid for who can complain??

Plus April is looking like a fine month for gigging. Currently planned is:
  • 21st April - Tim Van Eyken at the Cellar Upstairs
  • 29th April - Nancy Kerr and James Fagan at Walthamstow Folk Club

Am feeling quite pleased with my little Walthamstow patch at the mo, and quite neighbourly and grown-up. Was invited to a Neighourhood Watch meeting on Tuesday. Was feeling very unenthusiastic about it really (imagining that it would be populated by middle-aged men getting worked-up about graffiti) but actually it was nice to meet a few neighbours, and they all seemed quite normal, even if most of the meeting was spent trying to shout above the enthusiastic foot-tapping of Flamenco dancers in the studio above.

And today spent several hours pummelling strands of wool and making my first ever piece of felt. It was an amazing feeling (strange though it seems) to make a piece of fabric from scratch. Bluddy hard work, and quite messy, but today I have been mostly adoring my 10' by 10' piece of blue and green fuzz, and wondering what other wonders I can make with my own hands....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

am i going with you to see man eyken? i can't remember.

i understand the joy of making felt - i have boiled and pulled apart a few old jumpers in the pursuit of making the precious fluff stuff

11:56 pm  

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