Monday, February 26, 2007

Did a Bad Thing

This is a day of inexplicable misery. I wake up and think: actually I don't want to go to work. So I don't. I ring up my boss, and ask for the morning off, which she is fine with. So I lie in bed, feeling over-tired and maudlin, until time runs out, and I must drag myself into the office. Of course, having failed to get in in the morning, I have a huge pile of work to do in half the time once I arrive. But my mind and mood is so feeble, I can barely touch it.

My best guess is that it is hormones - "girl problems" - or something, though these passing moods are so random, I am not sure I can blame it on that. Today I just feel incapable, stupid, hopeless, tired, shaky, weird. Everything is crap. Out in the pub on Friday, I got a passing comment, which kind of shook me up. It was said very casually, and seemed without malice, but it was a reminder of how all the words we cast out there, however innocent or unintentional, bounce off people; that even those things you think will never find their way to certain places do. This is a scary thought. I already obsess too much about past indiscretions, and how all the things I have ever done might have affected people, or could affect me in the future.

In this kind of mood I want to go away, and live on my own island. I want to become a plank of wood. I want no worries. No nothing. No loneliness. No fear. Nobody to hurt. Nobody to hurt me. Nothing. Nada.

Blogging is bad for the health.... I mean did I moan so much before my blog???? (probably but maybe not). Who did I share all my stoopid thoughts with???? And who do I think reads this???? (what's probably most worrying is that people actually do read this shit!!). Fucketty fucketty fuck fuck fuck. And one more fuck for good luck. That is all.


Blogger TheMightyDing said...

You can indeed chick. Am feeling a modicum less miserable now - oh how the sofa and shite TV soothes me! Hope you are feeling dandier tomorrow. May it bring happier tidings for us hormonally fucked up people!!

11:29 pm  

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