Monday, October 09, 2006

Soggy Weekend

Something very bad happened this morning... I came into work and was pleased to be here. Worse of all, I was pleased the weekend was over. Which says it all about my weekend, really.

I was left to my own devices, which usually pleases me quite a bit. So I thought of some constructive plans - cleaning, shopping, visit to museum, embroidery - and then laid in bed and/or laid on the sofa and felt sorry for myself instead. The soggy autumn feeling of the shortening days, the sheer lack of human company, and suddenly I am feeling very maudlin and lonely indeed. To wallow in self-pity is not a very pretty thing, but sometimes it just hits you like that. I put on some comfy old trousers, and realised I am nearly too fat to fit in them now. This of course led to a prolonged study of myself in the mirror, involving poking my stomach to see how much 'bounce' there was, and analysing the dark circles under my eyes (I actually quite like them... they're not too pronounced, but make me look a little bruised somehow... which strangely I like... measure my state of mind off that Doctor!).

Oh dearie dearie dear.


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