Friday, September 15, 2006

Sum of the Week

Financial Meltdown - had one of these, got stung with some hefty penalties by the bank, felt like crying, created a financial spreadsheet instead, and am now sitting indoors on a Friday night counting my pennies... It's a strangely zen feeling, taking control of my money for the first time, almost a relief...

Booked My New Year's Retreat - like the secret seven, only there's eight of us (and one's not a dog), we're heading to a remote island, to discover treasure. Arrrr. This has made me mighty pleased, I'm telling you...

Got Back into the Embroidery Zone - started my level two course. I am on the path to ruling the embroidery world. Woo-hoo!

Rescued Someone Else's Arse at Work - and didn't get enraged. It's a miracle!!

Noticed an Unlikely Beauty - wandering through the car-park at the back of Sainsbury's - as I am wont to do on my way home from work - I noticed a curious quirk of the autumn light. Rising grandly over the cars and railway pylons, a sweeping hill on the horizon. A mirage of course. As the eyes refocus, a rather ugly corrogated Homebase appears. But enough to put a wide smile across my face, the notion of a windswept moor appearing in the concrete midst of North London...

Had a Stranger Dance for Me - it's difficult to remain a deeply cynical person, when a complete stranger spots my rather harrassed face, as I'm walking down the street, and does a little jig to cheer me up. God love you, whoever you are!

Quite a good week, all round, is the summary....


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