Saturday, August 26, 2006

Oh Bugger

Minus Superman, and sadly looking rather toothless, the mighty 'ding have just had their second loss of the week, 1-0 to Wigan. Bah. However it's most important to remember that we were priviledged to only lose twice in the league all last season, so not getting it all our own way in the big league ain't no disaster. Glass-half-full and all that!!

Onto other issues, I've just read a couple of reviews of a new Damo Lewis film called 'Keane'. No not a bio-pic of an Irish nutjob, but a pared-down tale of a mentally fragile man who is searching for his abducted daughter. This looks like it could be a goodie, and the chance for ol' Damo to regain a few brownie points after 'Dreamcatcher' and generally smarming his way through the last few years. Here's the link to the Timeout review:


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