Sunday, September 10, 2006

Death by Seth

Courtesy of an early birthday present from Schwesty, I have just returned from a Karin Polwart / Seth Lakeman concert in Hatfield Forest. All round top evening, very atmospheric location, great set from the fiddler, and even a near-Seth experience! Me and Schwesty were innocently taking in a bit of evening sun, before it started, when who should appear but the Devon-nerd-boy himself. Apparently the scenic spot we'd picked to take a snoozle, was also the perfect place to take a few promo photos of Mr Lakeman. Schwesty and myself, being the epitomes of cool that we are, tried desperately hard not to stare or let the tongues loll. It was flippin difficult, given that the man was but three feet away. Arggg. Think I may have to eat my words, the whole floaty dress / smoke machine thing could work! Think the Caversham Princess might be very jealous, but don't worry, it's only a while till we see him in London. Hurrah!! Ooh, and for Monky, the man has nice forearms. I'd just thought I'd mention that, as I know you're a connosieur of such things!


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