Plenty Things Doing

Well it's been a busy ol' week, many things achieved, many places been...
Got sent to Germany at the last minute by work, to courier some important medical 'stuff' back to the UK. It turned out to be slightly more stressful than needed, following some uncharactistic German muffing-up and some bad family news... but who I am to complain, the trip was free, and it's the only time I'll ever travel business class ... definitely not enough free booze in the Lufthansa business lounge though. It really is a poor show, considering the amount of money laid out for these trips!!
Then spent Friday night with the crew of The Damned Lust, celebrating the unofficial Talk Like a Pirate Day. I even scraped my hair back, and donned a hooped earring for the occasion. Reminded me of how lovely my friends are - Monky, Choc Chip and Bems truly are my favourite girls. I've loved them to bits for donkey's years, and on the rare occasion that we find a time to meet up (dispersed across England as we now are), I am reminded why it is such a long-standing association...
And my final report regards the Mighty Ding of course. How could I fail to mention the boys drawing 1-1 against Manure? Without a doubt Ronaldo and his assorted devils are a class outfit - I grew dizzy watching the pretty boy doing his endless stepovers and mazy runs - but the Ding never looked frightened, kept their heads, and dug in for a well-deserved result. Sonks, Murts, Ingi and Shorey played absolute blinders. Thanks to them, the dream continues. And what about Murts popping up as a pundit on MOTD2. Bluddy hell we're moving up in the world!!
Oh Lordie one more thing. Far too excited about a gig tonight. Going to see the melancholy brilliance of Teddy Thompson at the ICA. Cannot wait! Hope I don't come out feeling suicidal...
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