Friday, August 03, 2007

Post-Op Update

Well hurrah I am back home following my visit to the chop-shop, and already indecently bored. Once the soreness subsides I must not waste my two weeks off (sadly the four weeks promised has been downgraded boo!). Anyway here is my lovely (and rather long) review of abdominal surgery:

Anaesthesia is cool. They didn't ask me to count backwards like they did last time, though, which was very disappointing. Instead, they suddenly remembered that they hadn't yet consented me for the op, so with my mind already starting to go a bit woo-hoo, I scribbled where they pointed and then blacked out.

When I woke up in recovery I had a nice male nurse chatting to me. I then inexlicably burst into tears. He looked suitably concerned, and asked if it was the pain. In fact it was just anaesthesia related lunacy. But you can't beat a good non-sensical weep every so often, so as they wheeled me to the "Stepdown" ward, I had a good sob and then got over myself. How at this point I staved off the sickness I do not know, because for the next few hours all I could think about was how I was just about to spew, and that they'd not given me a spew-pot. Schwesty then appeared with grapes and jam doughnuts, having wandered the corridors aimlessly for a good while, as did a man with the most unappetising plate of Macaroni Cheese EVER. And then, after feeling grim for a bit longer, and seemingly sweating out the drugs, I finally came out the other side of the mist, and felt rather better, nibbling on some grapes, and feeling sympathy for the lady opposite, who appeared to be in rather a worse state.

The doc then came round, and explained what they'd done, and showed me some actual photos from my operation, which were simultaneously gross and brilliant. If you've never seen your insides, I wouldn't overly recommend it. They're not pretty. However I was in agreement with the doc that they looked better after the surgery than before it, which was ultimately the aim I suppose. So having gathered my wits, my clothes, and my spirits, I was allowed home. The half hour taxi journey was slightly challenging, and all the spew that had threatened earlier, made an appearance pretty much as soon as I got home. Ugg. But then I happily lay myself down on the sofa, watched shite TV, and poked my belly gingerly (the doc said they'd put lots of liquid in it, to stop everything "sticking together" and that I wasn't to be concerned if it made squishy sounds for a day or so).

I had to change one dressing this morning, which I found was a bit of an ordeal, because I discovered that they'd made one of the incisions in my beloved belly button, and now it looks a bit maimed!! What is also odd, is that when I cough or laugh, not only does it hurt, but it also feels like my insides might pop out of the newly created holes. Now that would be disturbing if it happened...

But things that are definitely cool about surgery... two weeks off work. Yes!!!! And also knowing that you've got lots of lovely friends who care about you. Thanks esp. to Monky, who had no such support from me when she went through surgery a few years back.... only one person remains notable in their silence. I just hope for their sake that it's not a sign of a personal crisis, but rather just thoughtlessness, cos I would gladly hear from them again and rebreak the ice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow this all sounds highly interesting. Well done on an excellent roundup. I like the idea of seeing inside yourself- Did you get copies of the photos? I like the idea of your stomach being full of liquid and making squishing noises also.

I never got to see the monstrosity they pulled out of my head the first time round; my consultant always brings up how big it was (and indicates with his fingers) every time I go for my annual checkup. Although i am most certainly not squeamish, this always manages to freak me out. Eeee.

I'm glad you are enjoying the life of an unemployed for a little while. You must get on MSN lady, so we can have pointless online conversations during gaps in suitable daytime tv :)

I also think anaesthesia is cool; I know now to ask for anti-puking medicines as one time i came around and couldn't make my brain and mouth work to let them know i felt sick. As i was wheeled down the corridor back to the ward i puked up all over myself. I was SO embarrassed. The cool thing was that the puke was all blood ooooo.

I hope your belly button recovers. I am sure it just needs a little time and TLC and it will be fine.

P.S. I did not give support- just texts, so you don't need to thank me or feel badly!

1:07 am  
Blogger Helen Around the World said...

You got to see your insides that's sooo cool !!!!!

Hope you enjoyed Seth. Will bell ya later.

2:10 pm  

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