Sunday, November 12, 2006

Lots of Exclamation Marks!!!!

Took Friday afternoon off work, so I didn't have to rush down to Reading to meets Choc Chip and Bems in the evening. Took the opportunity to take a little snooze. Snooze took a little longer than I expected. Combine this with getting on a train slower than death at Paddington, and I was late AGAIN. Two big lates in one week perturbs me, as I am normally very anal about arriving on time. Perhaps being a Londoner is affecting me, and I am evolving into a "careless" young professional (probably should have put professional in inverted commas as well ha ha).

That aside, good things I have done:
  • Went to see "The Two Faces of Mitchell and Webb" at the Hexagon. Me, Choc Chip and Bems looked at each other in horror, as we realised we were in the front row (our tickets said row B, hence the surprise...). Luckily there was only one sketch involving audience interaction, and the nearest we got was when a man in the seats behind us asked the "Big Talk" panel "Which way would you face in a Minogue sandwich?". A pertinent question, which later led us to "Which way would you face in a Wilson sandwich?". Much intellectual mulling on that one mmmmmm...

(I'm currently listening to Reading v Spurs. Spurs have just got a penalty. JAMMY GITS. And they've put it away. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG)

  • Choc Chip joined me and Schwesty on Saturday night for a gig at the Shepherd's Bush Empire. We went because the lovely Teddy Thompson was supporting Lucinda Williams. The crowd was a Country and Western one, mostly middle-aged, the odd fringed leather jacket and stetson, and a higher than normal proportion of beardies. It was a bit off-putting listening to Ted whilst half the crowd was chatting away oblivious. His slightly intense and emotional songs (he favours a constipated look whilst singing to add to the strained feel) usually demands a bit more respect, and hence he didn't really warm to the crowd. Good set as usual, though. Lucinda Williams, who I knew absolutely zero about, did the country-rock thing. Her voice is insanely gravelly, indicating a serious cigarette habit, and she's quite good fun, ruder than the average Country and Western star I'd wager, but can't say it was really my cup of tea. And by the end of the set, I'd lost the feeling in my feet, and pretty much the will to live!! The man next to me, who was letting out fog-horn loud "wooooos" every thirty seconds (and always in the oddest places during the songs) was starting to less and less amuse me also...

(Dear God, why are Reading playing so deep??? Come on the 'ding............ NICKY BLOODY SHOREY YOU ARE GREEAAAAAAAATTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why oh why did I take you out of my fantasy football team???? Oh who cares. 1-1 YES!!!)

Was handed a few flyers at the gig. Just reminds me how fun it must be, to have to choose a band name. These bands are real, I promise:

  • Selfish Cunt + Infants ("an acrobatic tornado of political fury, predatory sexuality & savage rock 'n' roll")
  • Bender + Devestations ("menacing ambient gloom, misshapen blues and fragile cinematics")
  • I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness (well who hasn't ha ha)

Also reminds me that the people who write these flyers must be quite au-fait with hallucinagenics or must write their reviews, and then get out a thesaurus, and exchange every single word for something stupid. Hmmm I want their job!!

(Atrocious defending from Spurs...... SIDWELL (GINGER NINJA) SCORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


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