Monday, November 06, 2006

A Few Questions

Rightio, I have just done something a little cowardly. I wrote a pretty venemous blog entry earlier today, which having gone to bed and laid awake worrying about it, I have now edited almost out of existence.

Why did I do this?

Well, not because I no longer believe what I wrote, but purely out of fear. I worry things will come back to haunt me, though common sense says they should not. I think it makes it worse that I stand by my comments, and do not have the balls to say them. But, then again, maybe writing them on an "anonymous" blog is pretty cowardly too.

I kept the title though, just to be a little mysterious (poor!). But in the name of not being totally pathetic, I have decided to revisit some of the points from the now-departed blog entry, but with slightly less raw emotion...

1) Is it bad manners to be overly lovey-dovey with your partner, in front of your friends? Or is it only "prudishness" or "jealousy" on the part of the friends, that makes these actions unpopular with them?

2) Is a 24-hour-a-day love affair ever healthy? I ask from the position of severe ignorance, having never had a love affair where I've felt the need to spend every waking hour in my partner's pocket, or even one which ahem has involved love, perhaps. You might guess from my tone that I am of a cynical persuasion here. But I do wonder whether I am missing that experience which would soften my attitudes towards affairs of great intensity.

3) If a current relationship had, shall we say, a "significant overlap" with the last, should your current relationship be toned down, out of courtesy for the party left behind, and the friends that got to know you, as part of that previous partnership? This, I really don't know, to be honest. I'm mostly of the persuasion that you shouldn't hide the truth, be it inconvenient or not, and yet part of me says that there are situations where it might be better. Who knows??

Anyway, there you go, I've said it. It's a shame these thoughts are somewhat clouding my vision at the moment. I genuinely hope, for the sake of friends that I truly care for (and myself obviously, self obsession being the name of the game in blogging) that they don't continue to do so...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

give me a call if you want to rant, i understand

2:37 pm  

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