Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Good parenting...

Witnessed today in the London Borough of Waltham Forest, whilst waiting for a train: a young mother letting her toddler repeatedly push the EMERGENCY button on the station platform, to the bemusement of the operator on the other end. I don't think she even uttered the word "no" once. That was probably because she was too eager to see if her numerous lotto scratch cards had won her any cash. Now I'm not saying that I would be a better mother than her... um actually yes I am. It was left to me to shake my head menacing at the little one (who was actually quite cute), which was enough to stop her from inadvertedly wasting any more of the emergency services' time. But how much do I object to parenting other people's kids?? Well, as the idea of having children of my own, is something I view with suspicion rather than glee - QUITE A LOT as it happens. If you don't have the time or the notion for looking after a child, don't fecking have one, you utter utter dim wits!


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